The Hoy No Circula Program aims to prevent, minimize, and control the emission of pollutants by establishing measures applicable to vehicular circulation. This measure seeks to standardize and minimize the impacts in the Megalopolis, Mexico City, and the State of Mexico by limiting the circulation of private vehicles, regardless of the origin of their plates and/or registration.
This Monday, the vehicles that cannot circulate according to the guidelines of the Hoy No Circula program are those with yellow stickers, plate endings 5 and 6, and verification holograms 1 and 2. In contrast, the vehicles that can circulate without restriction are those with holograms 0 and 00, electric vehicles, hybrids, those driven by health personnel, motorcycles, and cars with disabled plates.
The Hoy No Circula schedule runs from 05:00 am to 10:00 pm. If you do not comply with the program's rules, you could face fines ranging from 2,075 to 3,112 pesos. The only day when Hoy No Circula does not apply is Sunday, which is excluded from any type of restriction that day.
The Environmental Commission of the Megalopolis can dictate the suspension of the program or a double Hoy No Circula as an exception. It is important to know the vehicles that are not allowed to circulate on the established days to avoid sanctions.